Research and Conservation
Core to our mission as a company, we strive to be leaders in our field through undertaking research and conservation projects that contribute to increasing our knowledge of the natural environment and supporting efforts to protect, maintain and enhance our natural systems, wildlife habitats, rare species and Species at Risk. We know that healthy natural environment systems are important both for the wildlife that inhabit natural spaces as well as the people that benefit from the ecosystem services provided by our natural environment. NSE staff have experience working with various rare species and Species at Risk including reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals, insects and plants. Services include:
developing provincial or federal recovery strategies
development of standardized survey protocols
status reports
Species at Risk inventories
rare plant inventories
mark-recapture studies
road ecology monitoring
Projects We've Worked On
Survey Protocol for Branched Bartonia
Recovery Strategy for Gillman’s Goldenrod
Recovery Strategy for Lesser Yellowlegs
Monitoring Amphibian Movement at Dallan Subdivision (City of Guelph)
Effectiveness Monitoring of Wildlife Crossing Structures at Eastview and Niska Road (City of Guelph)