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Sarah Mainguy, B.Sc., M.Sc.

Senior Ecologist | Project Manager

Sarah is a senior ecologist with over 30 years experience as a consulting ecologist working in Ontario, Alberta, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, and the mid-western and eastern United States.

905-854-1112 ext. 204

photo of Sarah Mainguy


Sarah has university degrees in Biology (Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia) and Zoology (University of Guelph, Ontario). Her 30+ years of consulting experience as an ecologist, include a strong background in both flora and fauna inventories, including Ecological Land Classification, identification of breeding birds and amphibians by sight and sound, assessing bat habitat and species of bats using acoustic techniques in both buildings and wooded areas, extensive experience in evaluating habitat for Species at Risk, and expertise in conducting integrated wildlife and botanical studies within terrestrial and wetland ecosystems, in agricultural, urban and wilderness landscapes.

Sarah has conducted and managed a diversity of projects, both in small remnant ecosystems in urban and agricultural areas and in broad wilderness landscapes. Her experience encompasses Environmental Impact Studies and Natural Heritage Evaluations in a wide range of municipalities in southern Ontario which describe environmental features, analyse applicable policies, and provide information on avoidance and mitigation of human impacts and protection of natural heritage features and Species at Risk.


Sarah has conducted federal and provincial Class Environmental Assessments. She has managed projects involving inventory and environmental assessment of residential and commercial development, landfills, linear rights-of-way, infrastructure, mining, energy, and many other types of development, as well as providing peer-reviews of environmental evaluations for a variety of projects. She develops management plans for natural heritage features to improve habitat. She has provided expert witness testimony at the Ontario Municipal Board / Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, the Environmental Review Tribunal and the Ontario Court of Justice.

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